The Mercer County Builders Association benefits its members through a 3-tier membership which includes free Legal Research through NAHB.

A MCBA/NAHB membership has many benefits including free Legal Research through NAHB.


Free Legal Research through NAHB

The Mercer County Builders Association benefits its members through a 3-tier membership which includes free Legal Research through NAHB. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) is part of the MCBA 3-tier dues package and entitles MCBA members to use their services. One of the most popular for members is the free legal research. The NAHB legal support page is probably a good place to start. Click HERE.

Not a Member yet? We are accepting applications for membership. Come to the next Board Meeting or return a membership application. Occasionally the MCBA holds member events on the third Monday of the month. Otherwise, the MCBA board meets every month on the third Monday of the month at 6pm at the Hickory VFW in Hermitage PA.
